About Us

We are a family business, started in 1976 in the Province of Jujuy, Republic of Argentina. Since then we manufacture high quality educational toys in wood and MDF.

Between the years 1991 and 1999 we manufactured toys with the licenses for Argentina of Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, Nickelodeon and others.

Today we are dedicated to the manufacture of didactic toys in Pino Taeda wood
coming from forested forests, our suppliers comply with all standards and
certifications to carry out sustainable work with the environment and the protection of the ecosystem, from planting the seedlings to obtaining the boards.

Similarly, in our industrial plant located in Rio Blanco province of Jujuy, we work
more than 15 people striving to get the best products for our customers in a
optimal work environment for the staff, providing sources of work to the community in non-traditional activities.